The Grumpy Whale Book in Icelandic – Fúli Hvalurinn

The Grumpy Whale book in Icelandic is finally here. You can ORDER for Iceland directly from us here or order NOW from Amazon here ( US, Canada, UK, Germany, India, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and maybe more).

Written and illustrated by our founder Rebecca Caroline Kent this children’s book is based on the old Icelandic legend of where our name came from. A grumpy man is cursed to become a whale. The book follows his journey and what he learns from the ocean. Check out the story of the original legend here– it is slightly darker than our version.

Sagan um fúla manninn sem verður fyrir álögum og breytist í hval, sagan fær innblástur frá Íslenskri náttúru og þjóðsögum. Hvað mun fúli maðurinn finna í sjónum?

If you have any questions or want Iceland travel advice please get in touch.