
Sustainability is at the heart of The Grumpy Whale, we are reminded daily of the effect of climate change as we see our bleached glaciers retreating. The Grumpy Whale is firmly committed to having a positive impact on the world so that Icelands’ nature is enjoyed for generations to come. This passion carries through all that we do from the products we make and sell to the services we offer.

“Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time”

Our Mission

The Grumpy Whale aims to deliver high-quality adventure products that are incredible and sustainable.

Our Vision

The Grumpy Whale envisions sitting on a mountain drinking hot chocolate while watching whales surface in the fjord below; endless cosy moments during adventures.

Core Values

Quality, Kind, Sustainable, Plant-BasedHonest, Cruelty-Free, Adventurous

Beautiful braided red waterfall Rauðafoss in the central highlands of Iceland.
Rauðafoss in the central highlands of Iceland.

Our Sustainability Commitments

We ensure The Grumpy Whale is a responsible company we make tangible commitments to have a positive impact. Below you can read our commitments.

Responsible Team

All of our team are trained in first aid. Depending on the work they undertake will also be trained in commercial driving, glacier guiding, hiking guiding and Food Hygiene. Our team follow the highest safety practices and works closely to comply with the Icelandic Tourist Board, Food hygiene standards, Safe Travel Iceland and The Search and Rescue Organisation. We communicate to our customers about the environment in Iceland and our commitment to protecting it. We encourage customers to The Icelandic Pledge when they visit Iceland.

Trusted Partners

We sometimes use partners to operate certain elements of our service or we recommend them to customers. We ensure that these partners share our values for the highest level of customer service and respect for the Icelandic environment and community.

Creating a Responsible Culture

From our hiring process, our ongoing team meetings and training to our marketing ´voice’ we prioritise sustainability. In our journal posts, social media and all our communication with our guests share our sustainability journal and encourage responsibility. We aim to encompass environmental awareness and education on issues we face in Iceland. We create practical, impactful and inspirational engagement in responsible sustainability in Iceland.

Sustainability Coordinator

There is a dedicated team member who coordinates sustainability within The Grumpy Whale. This coordinator assesses, identifies, improves, educates and implements sustainability measures within the company to ensure The Grumpy Whale is always striving to have a positive impact. We follow the latest industry best practices in global sustainability in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Local Products

Wherever possible we aim to work with and support local businesses, source local products and encourage our customers to also when they visit Iceland.

Supply Chain

When sourcing products or raw materials for our products we aim to source local raw materials, local artisan products and/ or sustainable and ethical items.

Slow Living

The Grumpy Whale aims to be a slow company. We encourage all our customers to live slowly while in Iceland.

  • Travel and eat slowly.
  • Spend more time in the local remote areas they visit so that they can create a better connection with the local environment and community and boost the local economy further by using local businesses, such as; hotels, shops and restaurants.
  • Source local make and produce food.
  • Take our time over decisions to ensure that are sustainable on a long-term time scale.

Leave No Trace

The team ensure that our customers use proper waste management. We ensure do not leave any waste in the areas we operate in, recycle where possible and aim to limit the waste we create by avoiding single-use plastics or unnecessary paper. We understand we are operating in areas with delicate ecosystems and we want to avoid damaging them.

The Fleet

Our vehicles are well-maintained and appropriate for the activity and investment in quality vehicles is an ongoing priority. We ensure all our team use eco-friendly driving skills when using our vehicles, such as smooth driving, sticking to the speed limit, reducing idling and reducing unnecessary braking.

Animal Welfare

The Grumpy Whale is a passionate advocate for animal welfare and ensures all of our operations, products and services are animal-friendly.