The Grumpy Whale Book


Inspired by Icelandic nature and folk legends this is a tale about a grumpy man who gets cursed to become a whale by hidden people. What will the grumpy man find on his journey in the ocean?


The Grumpy Whale children’s book by Rebecca Caroline Kent follows a man who is cursed by hidden people (elves!) to become a whale after he throws his rubbish away without a car.  On his journey into the ocean, he realises the error of his ways as he sees how much damage the rubbish is doing. The Grumpy Whale is a children’s Book promoting environmentalism and friendship. Inspired by Icelandic folklore and nature the book was written in Selfoss, Iceland.

The Story and Themes of the Book

“The Grumpy Whale” tells the story of a grumpy man walking through a fjord who carelessly discards rubbish. Suddenly hidden people curse him, transforming him into a whale. As the grumpy man (whale!) explores the underwater world, he is confronted by the distressing sight of lots of rubbish. Determined to make a difference, the grumpy whale sets out on a mission to clean up the fjord. His hard work raises awareness about the environmental issues plaguing the sea. Through his efforts, he not only cleans up the fjord, but also inspires others to take action. The grumpy whale undergoes a transformation through his journey of friendship and environmentalism, but will he still be grumpy?

The Author’s Aim with the Book

“Through ‘The Grumpy Whale,’ I aim to inspire young readers to become stewards of the environment and cultivate friendships based on empathy and understanding,” said Rebecca, the author behind this heartwarming tale. “Ultimately, by following the grumpy whale’s journey, children will learn the significance of taking responsibility for our actions and making positive changes to protect the natural world around us.”

About the Author

Rebecca is a passionate environmentalist, adventurer, and scuba diving instructor. With a Master’s degree in Responsible Tourism Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Marine Environmental Studies. Rebecca is committed to understanding and protecting the natural world. Originating from the UK, she ventured to Iceland for a summer job and instantly fell in love with the country’s awe-inspiring nature, rich culture, and captivating history. As a mother, Rebecca recognises the importance of instilling a love and respect for nature in young minds.

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The book is available in Icelandic (Íslensk) and English. Please choose your language when ordering.

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If you have any questions or wish to contact Rebecca for interviews, book readings, and more please Contact Us.

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English, Íslensk